Máme tu spolu spolu 192 fotografii, z toho 55 rozličných umiestnení.
Ide o miesta: Bernolákovo, Hlavná ul.(3), Bernolákovo, žel. st.(2), Beroun, nádraží(5), Bratislava, AS Mlynské nivy(1), Bratislava, Nemocnica Kramáre(2), Bratislava, NR SR(14), Bratislava, Petržalka(4), Bratislava, ÚNS(2), Bratislava, zdrav. str. Fedinova(1), Brno, DKV Maloměřice(4), Brno, hlavní nádraží - pošta(2), Brno, Vozovna Husovice(1), Budapest, Keleti pályaudvar(2), Budapest, Újpest-Városkapu(1), Budapest, Vasúttörténeti Park(3), Debrecen, pályaudvar(5), Dudince, žel. st.(2), Dunajská Streda, aut. st.(2), Dunajská Streda, žel. st.(2), Kál-Kápolna, vasútállomás(1), Komárno, žel. st.(5), Košice, žel. st.(30), Kúty, žel. st.(4), Lešany, Vojenské technické muzeum(1), Malacky, Radlinského ul.(2), Malacky, žel. st.(1), Nové Zámky, žel. st.(3), Olomouc, hl. n.(11), Pardubice, autobusové nádraží(2), Pardubice, hlavní nádraží(1), Pardubice, Pardubičky(1), Plzeň, autobusové nádraží(6), Praha - Holešovice(4), Praha - Smíchov(1), Přelouč, nádraží(10), Přerov, nádraží(1), Rohožník, žel. st.(1), Salgótarján - külső(1), Senec, žel. st.(1), Skalica na Slovensku, žel. st.(1), Starý Smokovec, žel. st.(1), Stupava - zberateľ(2), Stupava, Hlavná ul.(4), Štrba, žel. st.(1), Štúrovo, žel. st.(3), Tatranská Lomnica, žel. st.(1), Topoľčany, poliklinika(1), Topoľčany, žel. st.(4), Trenčianska Teplá, žel. st.(1), Trenčianske Teplice, žel. st.(2), Trenčín, žel. st.(17), Trnava, Poliklinika Starohájska(1), Vámosgyörk, vasútállomás(1), Zohor, žel. st.(4), Žilina, žel. st.(3),
Z toho 23 rozličných typov. Ide o typy: BV 60, BVJ 60(12), C 30, C 40(1), C 301, C 401(7), CPJ 061 / 1(1), IPJ 0612(21), P 27, P 42, PJ 27, PJ 42(4), P 273, P 423(2), P 273n, P 423n(3), PCU 60, PCU 80(4), PD 42(1), PDL 60, PDL 80(14), PE 30, PE 40(6), PE 301, PE 401(5), PJ 30, PJ 40(11), PK 27, PKD 27(1), PK 30, PC 30(3), PV 301(2), Rôzne(13), Tabule nástupišťové(28), Tabule odchodové(19), Tabule podchodové(24), Tabule príchodové(6), TCO 60(4),
Hlavná stránka galérie
Warning: Use of undefined constant pocet - assumed 'pocet' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 265
Warning: Use of undefined constant fot_name - assumed 'fot_name' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 394

Warning: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 407
Warning: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 410
ID: | 203
Warning: Use of undefined constant kategoria - assumed 'kategoria' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 411
Warning: Use of undefined constant podkategoria - assumed 'podkategoria' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 411
Zaradenie: | Analogove hodiny --> C 301, C 401
Warning: Use of undefined constant nazov - assumed 'nazov' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 412
Warning: Use of undefined constant nazov - assumed 'nazov' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 418
Názov: | C 301 |
Warning: Use of undefined constant miesto - assumed 'miesto' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 420
Miesto: | Topoľčany, žel. st.
Warning: Use of undefined constant fot_mes - assumed 'fot_mes' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 421
Warning: Use of undefined constant fot_rok - assumed 'fot_rok' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 421
Dátum fotenia: | 04 / 2013
Warning: Use of undefined constant ident - assumed 'ident' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 422
Identifikátor: | 2013-10-12
| Rozlíšenie: | 768 x 1024
Warning: Use of undefined constant prezreti - assumed 'prezreti' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 424
Počet prezretí: | 3721
Warning: Use of undefined constant fot_name - assumed 'fot_name' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 394

Warning: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 407
Warning: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 410
ID: | 147
Warning: Use of undefined constant kategoria - assumed 'kategoria' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 411
Warning: Use of undefined constant podkategoria - assumed 'podkategoria' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 411
Zaradenie: | Analogove hodiny --> C 301, C 401
Warning: Use of undefined constant nazov - assumed 'nazov' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 412
Warning: Use of undefined constant nazov - assumed 'nazov' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 418
Názov: | C 301 |
Warning: Use of undefined constant miesto - assumed 'miesto' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 420
Miesto: | Přelouč, nádraží
Warning: Use of undefined constant fot_mes - assumed 'fot_mes' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 421
Warning: Use of undefined constant fot_rok - assumed 'fot_rok' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 421
Dátum fotenia: | 02 / 2012
Warning: Use of undefined constant ident - assumed 'ident' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 422
Identifikátor: | 2012-04-25
| Rozlíšenie: | 1024 x 768
Warning: Use of undefined constant prezreti - assumed 'prezreti' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 424
Počet prezretí: | 3657
Warning: Use of undefined constant fot_name - assumed 'fot_name' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 394

Warning: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 407
Warning: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 410
ID: | 146
Warning: Use of undefined constant kategoria - assumed 'kategoria' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 411
Warning: Use of undefined constant podkategoria - assumed 'podkategoria' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 411
Zaradenie: | Analogove hodiny --> C 301, C 401
Warning: Use of undefined constant nazov - assumed 'nazov' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 412
Warning: Use of undefined constant nazov - assumed 'nazov' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 418
Názov: | C 301 |
Warning: Use of undefined constant miesto - assumed 'miesto' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 420
Miesto: | Přelouč, nádraží
Warning: Use of undefined constant fot_mes - assumed 'fot_mes' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 421
Warning: Use of undefined constant fot_rok - assumed 'fot_rok' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 421
Dátum fotenia: | 02 / 2012
Warning: Use of undefined constant ident - assumed 'ident' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 422
Identifikátor: | 2012-04-25
| Rozlíšenie: | 1024 x 768
Warning: Use of undefined constant prezreti - assumed 'prezreti' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 424
Počet prezretí: | 3745
Warning: Use of undefined constant fot_name - assumed 'fot_name' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 394

Warning: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 407
Warning: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 410
ID: | 99
Warning: Use of undefined constant kategoria - assumed 'kategoria' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 411
Warning: Use of undefined constant podkategoria - assumed 'podkategoria' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 411
Zaradenie: | Analogove hodiny --> C 301, C 401
Warning: Use of undefined constant nazov - assumed 'nazov' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 412
Warning: Use of undefined constant nazov - assumed 'nazov' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 418
Názov: | C 401 |
Warning: Use of undefined constant miesto - assumed 'miesto' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 420
Miesto: | Plzeň, autobusové nádraží
Warning: Use of undefined constant fot_mes - assumed 'fot_mes' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 421
Warning: Use of undefined constant fot_rok - assumed 'fot_rok' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 421
Dátum fotenia: | 10 / 2010
Warning: Use of undefined constant ident - assumed 'ident' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 422
Identifikátor: |
| Rozlíšenie: | 1024 x 768
Warning: Use of undefined constant prezreti - assumed 'prezreti' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 424
Počet prezretí: | 4044
Warning: Use of undefined constant fot_name - assumed 'fot_name' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 394

Warning: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 407
Warning: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 410
ID: | 98
Warning: Use of undefined constant kategoria - assumed 'kategoria' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 411
Warning: Use of undefined constant podkategoria - assumed 'podkategoria' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 411
Zaradenie: | Analogove hodiny --> C 301, C 401
Warning: Use of undefined constant nazov - assumed 'nazov' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 412
Warning: Use of undefined constant nazov - assumed 'nazov' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 418
Názov: | C 401 |
Warning: Use of undefined constant miesto - assumed 'miesto' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 420
Miesto: | Plzeň, autobusové nádraží
Warning: Use of undefined constant fot_mes - assumed 'fot_mes' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 421
Warning: Use of undefined constant fot_rok - assumed 'fot_rok' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 421
Dátum fotenia: | 10 / 2010
Warning: Use of undefined constant ident - assumed 'ident' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 422
Identifikátor: |
| Rozlíšenie: | 1024 x 768
Warning: Use of undefined constant prezreti - assumed 'prezreti' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 424
Počet prezretí: | 3909
Warning: Use of undefined constant fot_name - assumed 'fot_name' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 394

Warning: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 407
Warning: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 410
ID: | 97
Warning: Use of undefined constant kategoria - assumed 'kategoria' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 411
Warning: Use of undefined constant podkategoria - assumed 'podkategoria' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 411
Zaradenie: | Analogove hodiny --> C 301, C 401
Warning: Use of undefined constant nazov - assumed 'nazov' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 412
Warning: Use of undefined constant nazov - assumed 'nazov' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 418
Názov: | C 401 |
Warning: Use of undefined constant miesto - assumed 'miesto' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 420
Miesto: | Plzeň, autobusové nádraží
Warning: Use of undefined constant fot_mes - assumed 'fot_mes' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 421
Warning: Use of undefined constant fot_rok - assumed 'fot_rok' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 421
Dátum fotenia: | 10 / 2010
Warning: Use of undefined constant ident - assumed 'ident' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 422
Identifikátor: |
| Rozlíšenie: | 1024 x 768
Warning: Use of undefined constant prezreti - assumed 'prezreti' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 424
Počet prezretí: | 3980
Warning: Use of undefined constant fot_name - assumed 'fot_name' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 394

Warning: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 407
Warning: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 410
ID: | 96
Warning: Use of undefined constant kategoria - assumed 'kategoria' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 411
Warning: Use of undefined constant podkategoria - assumed 'podkategoria' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 411
Zaradenie: | Analogove hodiny --> C 301, C 401
Warning: Use of undefined constant nazov - assumed 'nazov' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 412
Warning: Use of undefined constant nazov - assumed 'nazov' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 418
Názov: | C 401 |
Warning: Use of undefined constant miesto - assumed 'miesto' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 420
Miesto: | Plzeň, autobusové nádraží
Warning: Use of undefined constant fot_mes - assumed 'fot_mes' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 421
Warning: Use of undefined constant fot_rok - assumed 'fot_rok' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 421
Dátum fotenia: | 10 / 2010
Warning: Use of undefined constant ident - assumed 'ident' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 422
Identifikátor: |
| Rozlíšenie: | 1024 x 768
Warning: Use of undefined constant prezreti - assumed 'prezreti' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /data/2/e/2e3ad4f1-15e0-4c60-bc90-ac3c98b91f9e/ on line 424
Počet prezretí: | 4023